MADRIX Forum • Madrix Chauvet ColorPanel 4
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Madrix Chauvet ColorPanel 4

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 7:55 pm
by Bob
I have 6 Chauvet ColorPanel 4's with Madrix and the Madrix USBone controller.

I can't get Madrix to properly control the panel. I'm using the CLS-Atmosphere LED preset in Madrix because this light looks identical to the Chauvet version, maybe they use sell under a different name in Europe?

The ColorPanel 4 requires a value between 151- and 185 on channel one to operate in 13 channel mode. How do I get Madrix to generate this?

The light currently gets a signal from Madrix but reacts eractically.

Chauvet tech support didn't have any suggestions because it is basically Madrix generating the control information.


Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 2:50 pm
by Pinzer
Hi Bob,

I have found a manual of the COLORpanel 4 in the internet, and you are right it looks like the CLS-Athmosphere panel. But there are small but important differences thats why it can't work. The best matching fixture in our library is the Showtec LED-Deco-Tile Basic with 13 channels.

If you want to build this fixture into MADRIX by yourself you can use our fixture editor. Then open your madrix fixture library, select the showtec Deco-Tile Basic 13ch and then click in the menu 'Fixtures -> Copy Fixture". Now you can change the manufacturer and the fixture names. The importants thing you must change is the default value of the first channel (000 master). Set it to a value between 151 and 185 (i would say 170) and then press ok. At last you must save the library file.

Now you should find a working CHAUVET COLORpanel 4 fixture in MADRIX when you start it the next time. The only thing i can't say is the right position of the pixels. I hope it works exactly how the showtec panel, when not you can reposition it with the fixture editor.

I will send you an email with a new fixture library, where i have made this changes and it would be nice when you can test it and give us an feedback how it works.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:39 pm
by Bob
Once I understood how to define the range of output on a DMX channel (1-255) I was able to make my own panel with all the channels I needed and it worked.
